Inner rooms

“Nude yet covered with props, Lorimer sites her playful and at times uncanny mise-en-scènes in empty or sparsely furnished rooms that have a distinctly functional and domestic quality to them. Inserting, hiding, blending and revealing her naked figure in amongst the vestiges of the everyday, Lorimer’s black & white photographs had a confidence and precision to them that I found beguiling. While Lorimer’s work recalls the surreal world of Francesca Woodman, her photographs are firmly steeped in the banality and hard edges of the modern world and reflect on the relationship between women, domesticity and the body in this age of #MeToo.” – Alona Pardo, curator at The Barbican Centre London

A series of Inner rooms has been selected by Alona Pardo as one of her favourites in Source Magazine Online Graduate 2018
To view more click here 


The project started in 2018, after seven years of living far from home, in shared houses, very small most of the times.
The work explores the private spaces as psychic places questioning how domesticity can become a symbolic element of an inner dialogue between what happens inside our consciousness and what happens outside, a metaphorical conversation about how the privacy and the intimacy might be influenced by the liquidity of contemporary society and its consequences.

We form the spaces where we live and they form us, our body, our mind. At the same time, the spaces where we live are influenced by the outside world, as much as we are.
Through these self-portraits I explore the reciprocity within these elements where nudity becomes a metaphor of the last boundary between the inside and the outside.




Please note that this particular project is better to be viewed in gallery view option, both from pc and mobile devices: click on the first image and scroll right